If you want to develop yourself to the maximum of your abilities, Wildcats is the perfect program for you! Located at Vanier College, each team will practice from April to August and participate in tournaments and have exhibition games. An athletic specialist will have training sessions with the players in order the increase their speed, vertical and strenght. In addidtion to that, there will be trainings with a coach specialized in personal development (dribbling/shooting/etc). The cost for the season is 280$ and once selected on a team each player will receive a black or white free tshirt depending on which team they are playing on. If they want an extra tshirt it will cost 20$. We also have hoodies for those who wants for the cost of 45$ and tracksuits for 70$.
This year there will be a cost of $ 15 per player in order to participate in the tryouts. Tryouts will be during the month of april. The program will have 6 competitive teams, including 4 boys teams (u15, u16, u17, u19) and 2 girls teams (u15 and u17). Before entering the gym, players will have to pay the entrance fees and sign up a paper with their name and the categorie they want to tryout for. Everyone must wear a mask!
All the players must play for their categorie. If they want to play in a older division they must advise the coaches.